Made at Intel: Сделано в Intel
Эта книга приоткроет дверь в закрытый мир ведущих транснациональных IT-корпораций. Её автор – Валерий Черепенников – проработал на руководящих должностях более 25 лет. Занимал посты директора «Интел» по исследованиям и разработкам в России (2013–2015) и вице-президента компании
Результат чужими руками. Путеводитель для руководителей
«Хочешь сделать работу хорошо – сделай ее сам!» Любой из нас, кто когда-либо управлял другими людьми, хоть раз так думал или говорил. Делать самому или нет – это
The Conflict Paradox
Find the roadmap to the heart of the conflict The Conflict Paradox is a guide to taking conflict to a more productive place. Written by one of the
Getting More
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Getting More by Stuart Diamond, read by Colin Mace.   Youre always negotiating. Whether making a business deal, talking to friends or booking
Good For You, Great For Me
Thirty years ago, Roger Fisher and Bill Ury wrote the groundbreaking book Getting to Yes.  It established the mutual gains approach to negotiation, or what the popular media
Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes offers a concise, step-by-step, proven strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements in every sort of conflictwhether it involves parents and children, neighbors, bosses and
Bargaining with the Devil
The art of negotiationfrom one of the countrys most eminent practitioners and the Chair of the Harvard Law Schools Program on Negotiation.One of the countrys most eminent practitioners
Getting to Yes
The world’s bestselling guide to negotiation.Getting toYes has been in print for over thirty years, and in that time has helped millions of people secure win-win agreements both
Effective Meetings in 7 simple steps
7 simple steps to effective meetings that will change the way you workPeople spend up to 60 percent of their working day in meetings, but all too often
How to Speak So People Really Listen
Learn how to inspire your audience with best-selling author Paul McGee! 13 things you’ll discover when reading this book… 1. The big lesson Steve Jobs learnt when an